UT Dallas Budget Breakdown


This site is a product of a Student-Led University Budget Breakdown Taskforce formed by the UT Dallas Student Government. This group was formed to provide accessible and digestible information about the University's Budget and usage of student fees. You will find several visualizations that were generated using the University's Budget for the fiscal year ending August 30, 2023.


The student discourse occurring during the Fall 2022 Student Union Building Fee and Intercollegiate Athletics Fee Referendums revealed that students are both unaware and misinformed about the nature of university finances. The UT Dallas Student Government felt an obligation to inform itself and the broader student body. This task force seeks to create greater transparency for students and set a precedent for the Student Government as a source of information that better informs students. The process of reviewing, summarizing, and visualizing university financial data has allowed us to answer many questions and explore new topics that we wish to explore in the future.

For more details, please read our full report here.